New Year Reflections 2023

At the start of every year, I reflect on the past and share a few goals for the future. This time, it’s pretty simple and I can categorize it into two things: the biggest takeaway from 2022, and the biggest goal for 2023.

Biggest Takeaway from 2022

In the past year I have discovered and practiced a lifestyle choice that has helped me a lot. It is something that I highly recommend, because it has improved all of these for me:

  • Better physical health
  • Better mental well-being
  • Stronger relationships
  • Better able to focus on God
  • More mindfulness and thankfulness
  • Better quality time
  • Better prioritization and organization
  • More joy in life

What is this lifestyle choice? I’m sure there are many more eloquent names for it, but I just call it “non-busyness.”

Non-busyness describes a lifestyle where I actively make choices that decrease my level of busyness or prevent my life from getting busier.

It’s not about how busy I actually am. I could be very busy, but as long as the choices I am making do not make my life even busier, I am successfully practicing non-busyness.

Of course the goal is to ultimately reduce the level of busyness in my life, but non-busyness is more about the process – the actual choices that I make. The final result is just a benefit I get to enjoy.

This means that you can have a lot of responsibilities and commitments but still be actively practicing non-busyness. It can look different for everyone, and that flexibility makes it all the more highly recommended. It’s not about how busy you are – it’s about the choices you make.

Would you like to give it a try this year? If so, I’d love to hear about your experience with it 🙂

Biggest Goal for 2023

Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, I like to make goals for the year. This year, I only have one goal. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle any other goals besides this one.

Take good care of my family.

This is the biggest thing I want this year, and probably the biggest project I’ve undertaken in my life, but there are good people supporting us and a good God. I used to firmly believe I would crash and burn as a mom, but somehow something in me changed in the past year and suddenly I felt so much peace that it will be okay.

I am aware that once my daughter arrives, I will change so much that I’ll become a completely different person with a new identity. I am excited about that and curious who I will become. I’ve changed so much in the last few years, and it’s been pretty fascinating discovering who I have become and who I am becoming.

I think a younger Haidan would have been horrified at the person I have become today, but hey she doesn’t exist anymore. I do. And I’m quite happy with who I have become.

2 thoughts on “New Year Reflections 2023

  1. Oh my gosh, I haven’t been on WordPress for so long. :O Yeah go non-busyness! I don’t have that many strict deadlines anymore, so when I find any places where I can take my time and go slow, I will! And I feel happier when I do. Amen to not making ourselves busier unless it’s our genuine choice. If I may share this, I just wrote an article called “Dare to Be the Happy Tortoise in this Mad Race of Life”!

    I’m gonna go catch up with some more of your posts. Wow, still can’t believe I haven’t cruised WordPress for so long. :O Sorry about that!


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